Mathematical Decision Model for Reverse Supply Chains Inventory


  • Luminita Duta Automation and Computer Science Department Valahia University of Targoviste Romania, 130083, Targoviste, 24, Unirii Ave.
  • Constantin-Bala Zamfirescu Dept. of Computer Science and Automatic Control Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Romania, 550024, Sibiu, 10, Victoriei Ave.
  • Florin G. Filip The Romanian Academy Romania, Bucharest, 010071, 125 Calea Victoriei


Reverse supply chains, decision aid, inventory models, Bayesian networks


In the reverse supply chain inventory theory, inventory models are concerned with the demand of reusable parts, stock replenishment, ordering cycle, delivery lead time, number of disassembled products, ordering costs. The particularity of these models consists in the occurrence of high uncertainties of the quantity and quality of the returned products and resulting parts. To overcome the problem, an inventory model that incorporates decision variables at proactive and reactive levels is derived and discussed in this paper.


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