A Rating-Based Integrated Recommendation Framework with Improved Collaborative Filtering Approaches
personalized recommendation, collaborative filtering, rating integrationAbstract
Collaborative filtering (CF) approach is successfully applied in the rating prediction of personal recommendation. But individual information source is leveraged in many of them, i.e., the information derived from single perspective is used in the user-item matrix for recommendation, such as user-based CF method mainly utilizing the information of user view, item-based CF method mainly exploiting the information of item view. In this paper, in order to take full advantage of multiple information sources embedded in user-item rating matrix, we proposed a rating-based integrated recommendation framework of CF approaches to improve the rating prediction accuracy. Firstly, as for the sparsity of the conventional item-based CF method, we improved it by fusing the inner similarity and outer similarity based on the local sparsity factor. Meanwhile, we also proposed the improved user-based CF method in line with the user-item-interest model (UIIM) by preliminary rating. Second, we put forward a background method called user-item-based improved CF (UIBCF-I), which utilizes the information source of both similar items and similar users, to smooth itembased and user-based CF methods. Lastly, we leveraged the three information sources and fused their corresponding ratings into an Integrated CF model (INTE-CF). Experiments demonstrate that the proposed rating-based INTE-CF indeed improves the prediction accuracy and has strong robustness and low sensitivity to sparsity of dataset by comparisons to other mainstream CF approaches.References
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