Attribute Selection Method based on Objective Data and Subjective Preferences in MCDM


  • Xiaofei Ma Technology Planning Dalian Commodity Exchange Dalian City, China, 116023
  • Yi Feng Technology Planning Dalian Commodity Exchange Dalian City, China, 116023
  • Yi Qu Technology Planning Dalian Commodity Exchange Dalian City, China, 116023
  • Yang Yu Agricultural Bank of China Data Center 88 Aoni Road, Pudong New Area Shanghai City, China, 200131


attribute selection, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), multiobjective optimization, attribute correlation


Decision attributes are important parameters when choosing an alternative in a multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. In order to select the optimal set of decision attributes, an analysis framework is proposed to illustrate the attribute selection problem. Then a two-step attribute selection procedure is presented based on the framework: In the first step, attributes are filtered by using correlation algorithm. In the second step, a multi-objective optimization model is constructed to screen attributes from the results of the first step. Finally, a case study is given to illustrate and verify this method. The advantage of this method is that both external attribute data and subjective decision preferences are utilized in a sequential procedure. It enhances the reliability of decision attributes and matches the actual decision-making scenarios better.


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