Identifying Essential Proteins in Dynamic PPI Network with Improved FOA
essential proteins, protein-protein interaction (PPI), dynamic PPI networks, subcellular localization data, fruit fly optimization algorithm (FOA)Abstract
Identification of essential proteins plays an important role for understanding the cellular life activity and development in postgenomic era. Identification of essential proteins from the protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks has become a hot topic in recent years. In this work, fruit fly optimization algorithm (FOA) is extended for identifying essential proteins, the extended algorithm is called EPFOA, which merges FOA with topological properties and biological information for essential proteins identification. The algorithm EPFOA has the advantage of identifying multiple essential proteins simultaneously rather than completely relying on ranking score identification individually. The performance of EPFOA is analyzed on dynamic PPI networks, which are constructed by combining the gene expression data. The experimental results demonstrate that EPFOA is more efficient in detecting essential proteins than the state-of-the-art essential proteins detection methods.References
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