Sentiment Analysis Method based on Piecewise Convolutional Neural Network and Generative Adversarial Network


  • Changshun Du
  • Lei Huang School of Economics and Management Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044, China


Sentiment analysis, Piecewise Convolution Neural Network, Generative Adversarial Network


Text sentiment analysis is one of the most important tasks in the field of public opinion monitoring, service evaluation and satisfaction analysis under network environments. Compared with the traditional Natural Language Processing analysis tools, convolution neural networks can automatically learn useful features from sentences and improve the performance of the affective analysis model. However, the original convolution neural network model ignores sentence structure information which is very important for text sentiment analysis. In this paper, we add piece-wise pooling to the convolution neural network, which allows the model to obtain the sentence structure. And the main features of different sentences are extracted to analyze the emotional tendencies of the text. At the same time, the user’s feedback involves many different fields, and there is less labeled data. In order to alleviate the sparsity of the data, this paper also uses the generative adversarial network to make common feature extractions, so that the model can obtain the common features associated with emotions in different fields, and improves the model’s Generalization ability with less training data. Experiments on different datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.


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