A New Semantic-Based Tool Detection Method for Robots


  • Wenbai Chen Beijing Information Science & Technology University
  • Chao He
  • Chen W.Z.
  • Chen Q.L.
  • Wu P.L.


Functional Components, Mask-R-CNN Network, Tool Classification, Functional Semantics


Home helper robots have become more acceptable due to their excellent image recognition ability. However, some common household tools remain challenging to recognize, classify, and use by robots. We designed a detection method for the functional components of common household tools based on the mask regional convolutional neural network (Mask-R-CNN). This method is a multitask branching target detection algorithm that includes tool classification, target box regression, and semantic segmentation. It provides accurate recognition of the functional components of tools. The method is compared with existing algorithms on the dataset UMD Part Affordance dataset and exhibits effective instance segmentation and key point detection, with higher accuracy and robustness than two traditional algorithms. The proposed method helps the robot understand and use household tools better than traditional object detection algorithms.


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