Novel Machine learning approach for Self-Aware prediction based on the Contextual reasoning
self-awareness, threat assessment, contextual knowledge, contextual reasoning, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, OPTICSAbstract
Machine learning is compelling in solving various applied problems. Nevertheless, machine learning methods lack the contextual reasoning capabilities and cannot be fitted to utilize additional information about circumstances, environments, backgrounds, etc. Such information provides essential knowledge about possible reasons for particular actions. This knowledge could not be processed directly by either machine learning methods. This paper presents the context-aware machine learning approach for actor behavior contextual reasoning analysis and context-based prediction for threat assessment.
Moreover, the proposed approach uses context-aware prediction to tackle the interaction between actors. An idea of the technique lies in the cooperative use of two classification methods when one way predicts an actor’s behavior. The second method discloses such predicted action (behavior) that is non-typical or unusual. Such integration of two-method allows the actor to make the self-awareness threat assessment based on relations between different actors where some multidimensional numerical data define the connections. This approach predicts the possible further situation and makes its threat assessment without any waiting for future actions. The suggested approach is based on the Decision Tree and Support Vector Method algorithm. Due to the complexity of context, marine traffic data was chosen to demonstrate the proposed approach capability. This technique could deal with the end-to-end approach for safe vessel navigation in maritime traffic with considerable ship congestion.
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