Bi-Level Minimal Resource Protected Key Generation Framework For Fog Computing Applications
Minimal Resource Viterbi based Bi-level Secured Key Generation (MRV-BSKG) , Fog Computing, Lagrange’s Key, Location-Based Key, Shortest pathAbstract
Fog computing is a viewpoint that expands on the Cloud stage concept by placing processing assets at the organization’s edges. It might be described as a cloud-like platform with comparable data, computation, storage, and applications. They are unique in that they are decentralized in nature. Data protection and route analysis of time-sensitive data are made easier using fog computing. This minimizes the volume and distance of data sent to the cloud, lowering the risk of security and privacy breaches in IoT applications. When it comes to security and privacy, fog computing confronts several issues. The constraints of fog computing resources are the root of these difficulties. The fog system, in fact, may raise new security and privacy concerns. To address these challenges, cryptography is used in conjunction with key management techniques to provide safe data transfer. A Minimal Resource Viterbi based Bi-level Secured Key Generation (MRV-BSKG) technique for a secured fog-based system is proposed to compromise the security level and computational complexity. The BSKG technique, which combines Lagrange’s Key Generation (LKG) and the Location-Based Key (LBK) generation approaches, can safeguard secrecy and integrity. In comparison to the previous techniques, the new MRV, BSKG, delivers security with improved outcomes.
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