Failure in Stock Price Prediction: A Comparison bettwen the Curve-Shape-Feature and Non-Curve-Shape-Feature Modes of Existing Machine Learning Algorithms


  • Ping Zhang
  • Jia-Yao Yang
  • Hao Zhu
  • Yue-Jie Hou
  • Yi Liu
  • Chi-Chun Zhou



stock price prediction, financial time series, machine learning method, deep learning method


In the era of artificial intelligence, machine learning methods are successfully used in various fields. Machine learning has attracted extensive attention from investors in the financial market, especially in stock price prediction. However, one argument for the machine learning methods used in stock price prediction is that they are black-box models which are difficult to interpret. In this paper, we focus on the future stock price prediction with the historical stock price by machine learning and deep learning methods, such as support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), Bayesian classifier (BC), decision tree (DT), multilayer perceptron (MLP), convolutional neural network (CNN), bi-directional long-short term memory (BiLSTM), the embedded CNN, and the embedded BiLSTM. Firstly, we manually design several financial time series where the future price correlates with the historical stock prices in pre-designed modes, namely the curve-shape-feature (CSF) and the non-curve-shape-feature (NCSF) modes. In the CSF mode, the future prices can be extracted from the curve shapes of the historical stock prices. Conversely, in the NCSF mode, they can’t. Secondly, we apply various algorithms to those pre-designed and real financial time series. We find that the existing machine learning and deep learning algorithms fail in stock price prediction because in the real financial time series, less information of future prices is contained in the CSF mode, and perhaps more information is contained in the NCSF. Various machine learning and deep learning algorithms are good at handling the CSF in historical data, which are successfully applied in image recognition and natural language processing. However, they are inappropriate for stock price prediction on account of the NCSF. Therefore, accurate stock price prediction is the key to successful investment, and new machine learning algorithms handling the NCSF series are needed.

Author Biographies

Jia-Yao Yang


Hao Zhu


Yue-Jie Hou


Chi-Chun Zhou



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