Facial emotion recognition using geometrical features based deep learning techniques
VGG-19s, Emotion Recognition, Facial Analysis, Facial Landmarks, feature extraction, Geometrical features, Hyper parametersAbstract
In recent years, intelligent emotion recognition is active research in computer vision to understand the dynamic communication between machines and humans. As a result, automatic emotion recognition allows the machine to assess and acquire the human emotional state to predict the intents based on the facial expression. Researchers mainly focus on speech features and body motions; identifying affect from facial expressions remains a less explored topic. Hence, this paper proposes a novel approach for intelligent facial emotion recognition using optimal geometrical features from facial landmarks using VGG-19s (FCNN). Here, we utilize Haarcascade to detect the subject face and determine the distance and angle measurements. The entire process is to classify the facial expressions based on extracting relevant features with the normalized angle and distance measures. The experimental analysis shows high accuracy on the MUG dataset of 94.22% and 86.45% on GEMEP datasets, respectively.References
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