In Memoriam: Prof. Ioan Dzitac - Editorial


  • Florin Gheorghe Filip Romanian Academy, Romania



In 2021, the International Journal for Computers, Communications and Control (IJCCC) entered its 16th year of existence. The first issue of the sixteenth volume of IJCCC was planned to be a special one dedicated to pay a tribute to the exceptional work and results of Lotfi Zadech, a great scientist born in 1921, who in uenced an immense number of the scholars all over the world. That special issue was thought and organized by Ioan Dzitac who wrote the Editorial. Several outstanding scholars were invited and accepted to publish in the intended special issue. It was Ioan Dzitac's last paper. Unfortunately, on 6th February, when the special issue was almost ready to be published, the heart of Ioan Dzitac suddenly stopped beating.

Now, it is our sad duty of honour to propose to collaborators and readers of our journal a special issue meant to commemorate and pay a tribute to Ioan Dzitac, an honest and generous person, a talented and hardworking scientist and professor, an effective and empathic manager, a close and dear colleague and friend.

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