Determination of the satisfaction attribute in usability tests using sentiment analysis and fuzzy logic
fuzzy logic, satisfaction level, sentiment analysis, usabilityAbstract
With the growth in the number of applications deployed in cloud app stores, usability has become a fundamental attribute to ensure end-user productivity and enterprise competitiveness. According to ISO 9241-11, the three attributes that determine the usability of a product are effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction, the latter being the subjective attribute of usability. In conventional user tests, the satisfaction attribute is determined using perception questionnaires, being a challenge to determine this attribute more objectively, given the limitations of surveys in terms of veracity and subjectivity. Based on the above, in this article we propose as a contribution, the construction of a system based on fuzzy logic for the estimation of the usability satisfaction attribute in user tests, which has as inputs both the level of satisfaction obtained from the answers to the post-test questionnaire, and the level of satisfaction obtained from the polarities of the opinions of the test users, determined by means of sentiment analysis techniques. The proposed fuzzy system is intended to serve as a reference to be replicated at the academic and enterprise level in the conduct of usability tests and specifically in the more objective determination of the satisfaction attribute based on the advantages of fuzzy logic and sentiment analysis techniques.References
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