A New Joint Strategy for Multi-Criteria Decision-Making: A Case Study for Prioritizing Solid-State Drive
Solid-State Drive, Joint multi-criteria decision-making, Objective weights, Sensitivity AnalysisAbstract
Solid-state data storage is becoming a widely accepted technology and is looking for new ways to provide cost-effective solutions across various information systems. Solid-state drives (SSDs), existing in different types and models, have several sustainable features: storage, dimensions, volume, etc. Due to the wide range of attributes, designing a robust method can easily select from the purchaser/retailer/wholesaler point of view. This work offers a joint multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) to rank SSD alternatives, and a newly developed approach, namely Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to the Compromise Solution (MARCOS) technique, is utilised, and a comparative investigation has also been achieved with other MCDM methods. Data of separate SSDs have been collected from the Indian market with twenty-six different models of eleven brands. The Bonferroni operator (BFO) allocates and compiles the objective weights using the Entropy weights technique (EWT), the Criteria Importance through Inter criteria Correlation (CRITIC) and the Method based on the Removal Effects of Criteria (MEREC). The sensitivity analysis using objective weights considering 18 scenarios was performed, and analysis with the Standard deviation shows that the joint MCDM possesses high accuracy and robustness. The results achieved have been tested with Spearman’s rank and Wojciech-Salabun (WS) coefficient, and the first rank goes to SSD-7. The presented results benefit the manufacturers to understand the market requirement better and for the consumer to make a wise decision while purchasing SSD. It also offers future scope for applying the proposed methodology in similar areas, social sciences and engineering, to make complex decisions.
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