WOMDI-Apriori Data Mining Algorithm for Clustered Indicators Analysis of Specialty Groups in Higher Vocational Colleges
WOMDI-Apriori, data mining algorithm, clustered indicators analysis, specialty groups, higher vocational collegesAbstract
The cluster effect of specialty groups plays an important role in the development of Higher Vocational Colleges. The purpose of this research is to scientifically explore the interaction mech- anism of specialty groups clustering indexes in higher vocational colleges, uantitatively analyze the correlation of these indexes, nd explore reasonable measures to promote the specialty groups clustering effect in higher ocational olleges. Firstly, data denoising and field screening were car- ried out on the original data, and then the variables were clustered and divided into LHS (Left Hand Side) and RHS (Right Hand Side). Then, an improved multi-dimensional interactive Apri- ori association rule mining algorithm considering index weights and orientation constraints was proposed. The improved Apriori algorithm and the traditional Apriori algorithm were applied to mine the structured data sets. The results show that the improved WOMDI-Apriori algorithm in this study improves the accuracy by 79.96% compared with the traditional Apriori algorithm. The results indicate that, when the indicators of brand, key and characteristic majors at or above the provincial level, proportion of full-time teachers with double qualifications, and the number of internship students accepted by cooperative enterprises are at a low level, the number of projects and satisfaction proportion of employers with graduates would be negatively affected; The majr category of equipment manufacturing is subjected to various factors coupling, which may lead to different graduates’ counterpart mployment rate; for association rules where the uccessor of the mining results is dominated by negative results, measures should be taken to avoid or reduce the possibility of their occurrence as much as possible. For association rules in which the successors of the mining results are dominated by positive results, measures should be taken to facilitate the occurrence of these frequent item sets whenever possible. The framework proposed in this research can provide theoretical guidance for analyzing operating characteristics and promoting the positive effects of specialty groups in higher vocational colleges.References
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