Computer-Supported Smart Green-Blue Infrastructure Management
multi-participant real-time DSS, multi-agent cooperative scheme, Big Data and analytics, mobile and edge computing, IIoT and cobotsAbstract
Answering climate change challenges, the paper proposes an intelligent decision support system (DSS) for the management of green-blue infrastructure (GBI). Addressing the gaps identified in other studies, the designed DSS incorporates four key elements: 1/interdisciplinary collaboration among all stakeholders 2/inclusion of practical operation and maintenance activities, 3/main components of distributed DSS, with practical examples of use, 4/consideration of conditions specific to the location. The multi-layered DSS architecture can be implemented as a unified platform that provides a comprehensive, customizable, and flexible framework based on AI tools, big data and analytics, edge computing, cloud, and mobile, IIoT, and biometric system tools. The use of cobots and digital clones alongside humans results in the implementation of hybrid human-machine units. DSS for GBI increases decision-making capacity and can serve as a foundation for the implementation of similar systems by governments and local communities to build sustainable and resilient communities.References
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