A decision-making model for efficient fair electricity rationing under major power outrage emergencies
Major power outrage emergency; Electricity rationing; Inoperability input-output model; Fairness perception, major power outrage emergencyAbstract
Major power outages emergencies (MPOEs) are increasingly occurring with greater frequency and wreaking havoc, necessitating the effective decision-making for electricity rationing to mitigate economic losses incurred and maintain social stability. To address this issue, this paper proposes an efficient fair electricity rationing decision-making model under MPOEs, including two methods to quantify the efficiency and fairness of the electricity rationing. Firstly, the inoperability inputoutput model is employed to quantify the efficiency by assessing the business interruption costs caused by MPOEs. Secondly, the fairness is quantified by the fairness perception of the affected regions, which consider their bounded rational comparisons based on the Prospect theory. Then, the NSGA-II is utilized to solve the model. Finally, Sichuan MPOE in 2022 is designed as a numerical experiment to validate the proposed model, accompanied by corresponding discussions to demonstrate the impact of “supercities” on electricity rationing and the significance of the balance between efficiency and fairness.References
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