Optimizing dynamic keystroke pattern recognition with hybrid deep learning technique and multiple soft biometric factors
keystroke pattern recognition, soft biometrics, feature optimization, feature fusion, deep learning techniqueAbstract
In this work, we propose an optimization approach for dynamic keystroke pattern recognition by leveraging a hybrid deep learning technique and multiple soft biometric factors. Our methodology begins with the introduction of a novel algorithm called dynamic drone squadron optimization (DDSO) to optimize the selection of optimal features from a pool of multiple keystroke features. We then present an enhanced version of the improved sperm swarm optimization (ISSO) algorithm, which effectively combines the optimal weight features derived from multiple biometric responses. Furthermore, we introduce the multi-stage recurrent neural network (MS-RNN) classifier to accurately recognize and classify keystroke patterns. The performance of our proposed ISSO+MS-RNN technique is evaluated using the benchmark KBOC dataset to validate its effectiveness. Comparative analysis is conducted against existing state-of-the-art techniques, employing various evaluation measures, to demonstrate the superior performance of proposed approach.`
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