A hierarchical clustering analysis of the management accounting practices perceptions in Romania
managerial accounting, hierarchical clustering, accounting practices, cluster analysis, institutional theory, perceptions analysis, Romanian firmsAbstract
This study examines the issue of understanding management accounting practices in Romanian financial and accounting service firms, a subject of significant relevance due to the influence of accounting on organizational decision-making and strategic planning. The research examines 21 distinct management accounting practices, utilizing hierarchical clustering analysis refined by the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to discern patterns and classifications within these practices. The findings indicate eight unique clusters, distinguished by differences in cluster size, withincluster heterogeneity, total within-cluster sum of squares, and Silhouette scores, which explain the diversity of practices and their organizational implications. The research enhances the literature by delineating the present state of management accounting practices in Romania and providing a more refined comprehension of the interrelationships among these practices, as guided by institutional theory. This method surpasses other attempts by emphasizing the diversity within clusters, uncovering distinct traits and strategic consequences. The findings indicate that various groupings of practices demonstrate particular patterns of adoption and utilization, which might affect firms’ strategic decision-making processes. These insights facilitate future research focused on examining the drivers and effects of accounting methods across various institutional contexts.
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