A Mathematical Optimization Approach for Prioritized Services in IoT Networks for Energy-constrained Smart Cities


  • German Montoya Systems and Computing Engineering Department, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
  • Carlos Lozano-Garzón Systems and Computing Engineering Department, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
  • Carlos Paternina-Arboleda Department of Management Information Systems, San Diego State University, San Diego (CA), United States of America
  • Yezid Donoso Systems and Computing Engineering Department, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia




Mathematical Optimization Model, Critical Services, Energy Consumption, Smart Cities, IoT networks


The development of smart cities has been positively impacted by advances in Internet of Things (IoT) technology. In addition, new levels of service have emerged due to the demands of new types of applications, whereby these new service levels must be managed by priorities depending on the technological requirements of each service in order to efficiently route information from an origin IoT device to a base station. However, the current global energy crisis demands more awareness from technology systems in terms of energy consumption efficiency, reduction of carbon footprint, and sustainability. In this sense, we propose a mathematical optimization model capable of routing different services in an IoT network, considering different levels of priority in the services offered, while simultaneously reducing energy consumption in the network for services with priority. In other words, the proposal aims to extend the lifetime of IoT networks in critical energy urban infrastructure, ensuring the highest possible quality in the services offered on the network. Finally, our proposal is evaluated in different IoT network scenarios, considering different types of services and network sizes.


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