On the Three-Tank Aquaponic Configuration


  • Daniel Alexuta Petroleum–Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania
  • Valentina E. Balas Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania
  • Marius M. Balas Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania




aquaponics, hydroponics, three-tank system, nonlinear mathematical model, Matlab- Simulink, fuzzy-interpolative control


The objective of this paper is to propose a mathematical model representing the hydraulic behavior of a generic three-tank aquaponic system, capable to support future research on optimized sizing and suited control algorithms. The components of the system are a fish tank, a hydroponic reservoir, and a multi-task buffer water tank. The mathematical model is structural, representing the water-tanks and the water-flows between them, by differential equations, implemented in Matlab-Simulink.


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