Bachelor: LAW

- Program accredited through H.G. 978/2022
- Guide of the Law Student:
- RNCIS Law Grid (Possible occupations, knowledge, skills):
- Support Platform for courses:Moodle
- Education Plan 2022-2026:PDF
- Education Plan:
Type of studies: Bachelor (Ist cycle in Bologna system)
Education Form: Daily courses (IF)
Profile: Juridical„
Fundamental Studies Domain: Juridical Sciences
Domain: Law
Bachelor Study Program (Specialization): Law
Duration: 4 years
Number of European Transferable Credits (ECST): 240
Bachelor Diploma issued after the license exam: Licences in Law
Maximum number of places approved: 100 ( H.G. from 2016)
Admission on tuition places: based on a file (media at Bacalaureat).
Free of charge places: Agora Scholarships, awarded on the basis of performance criteria established by CA-UAO.
Studies Contracts for Law Specialization:
a) without tuition (Agora Scholarship) PDF
b) with tuition PDF
Registrations for admission: HTML
Competences: National Registar of Qualification in Higher Education
Diploma Supplement : Attests in Romanian and English languages the specialization in law.
Completion: Bachelor's examination (oral exam + elaboration and support of a bachelor's thesis).
After graduation: Engagement on a specialized post or / and continuing studies in the 2nd cycle (master).
Material resources: halls, courses and seminars rooms, forensic laboratories, Law and Administration Agpra Research, European Documentation Center, EUROPE DIRECT Information Center, Euro-regional Center for Prevention and Combating Trans-border Crime, international research teams, an accredited publishing house (CNCSIS, COD 27), a specialized magazine, an annual international conference, sports hall, sports club, internet access, scholarships etc.
To answer this question, we made a possible career path that a graduate from the Law specialization might have.
In this regard, we first considered the following:
- passing the Bachelor's Exam which gives you the title of JURIST;
- we assumed that you do not have legal or work experience, if you have the better, identifying alternative ways will be easier.
Here are some of the possibilities you can have if you opt for legal training:
For this, you will also need to pass an exam with a job-specific theme.
Examples: Jobs for jurists and juridical counselors,
Phase I. – enrollment and promotion of the exam for admission to the profession of attorney.
Phase II. – making a mandatory two-year training course, in which you will be a trainee lawyer.
Phase III. – supporting and promoting the finishing exam.
JUDGE or PROSECUTOR - Auditors of justice
Condition: to follow the courses of the National Institute of Magistracy (two years).
Phase I. Promotion of admission examination at the National Institute of Magistracy - auditor of justice.
Phase II. After the first year of courses, the auditors choose, in the order of the media and in relation to the number of places for the position of judge or prosecutor.
Phase III. Judges and prosecutors – can become trainees and tutors for the practice of auditors of justice.
PROBATION COUNSELORS, PROBATION INSPECTOR - works in the Probation Services of the Tribunals promoting and participating in the execution of certain prevention measures by supporting the offenders to comply with the law, thus contributing to the increase of the social security level.
Phase I. Enrollment in the competition for the probation counselor.
Phase II. Licence in Law (this possibility is also available for the graduates of other specializations).
Example: Permanent recruitment. www.recrutare.probatiune@ro
- You are in the Probation Division database;
- You can be notified about both the competition and the volunteer activities, events, courses organized by the Probation Directorate, master programs in probation, etc..
The graduate who opts for the notary must go through the following stages:
Phase I - must receive the acceptance of a notary public to work in the notary office, of course if he / she will pass the admission exam.
Phase II – promotes the entrance examination and becomes a trainee notary in the notary office where he has received the consent for two years.
Phase III – during the internship period he / she is obliged to attend a training program by attending the specialization courses organized by the Institute of Public Notaries.
Phase IV – enters the final examination to become a notary public. At least six months before the exam, the exam simulation will be organized, when the trainee notary will be able to check her/his knowledge for the thematic examination. Both the simulation and the final exam are held in Bucharest.
Regarding this opportunity, at present there is a bill, a project under public debate, which is intended to be admitted only through an admission examination at the Institute of Notaries Public where they will have courses for two years.
- admission exam in the profession;
- 2 year internship;
- passing the final exam.
- And last but not least, we bring to your attention the possibility that you can work in international bodies and European institutions in different positions.
- Advantages:
- is an excellent career opportunity;
- you have the chance to work in a mixed, interdisciplinary team in a multicultural environment;
- you have the chance to relate to people interested in various themes: from legislation, to economics, IT or social policy and volunteer issues.
- The most relevant examples we have chosen are:
A) Assistants in the institutions of the European Union
Conditions: Assistants to be recruited by EU institutions are in different professional categories depending on job requirements. Particularly counting for a job: the type of specialization and expertise they have, the knowledge of at least two foreign languages, at least one fluently spoken, and the conditions for participation, namely pre-selection and selection for the interview differs from post to post and are posted on:
Example: The European Court of Human Rights recruits an assistant lawyer from Romania to be included in the "Judicial Assistance Scheme", developed in the Court, to provide any person with legal training at the beginning of their careers the opportunity to knows directly how the institution works. The description of the job mentions: "Working together for the development of Europe".
- Lawyers for the Court of Justice and for the European Parliament / European Council
*** the statistics shows that over 2,000 Romanians are European officials in Brussels, with salaries of up to 16,000 euros / month.
- National seconded experts - are national civil servants working in the public sector and temporarily in the Union institutions.
Example: lawyers, mediation specialists in contracts, translators and interpreters in the legal field, lawyers-linguists.
- Trainees - usually fresh graduates of higher education in various specializations, including law who receive either salary or a scholarship of at least 1000 EURO / month plus other benefits.
*** EPSO competitions are the safest and most direct way to get a permanent post in the European institutions.
You have reached the age of three, and you have other alternative options. E.g:
- MEDIATOR - is the viable alternative to higher education graduates, both from law and economics, a new way of approaching processes, a necessary change of mentality.
You can participate in the mediation process from two perspectives:
- either the lawyer's if you are already, and you want your client to finalize eventually the conflict amicably;
- or from the mediator - when you have your own mediation room.
Admission to the Mediator profession,
Phase I. Follow a mediator training course organized by one of the training providers authorized by the Mediation Council.
Phase II. Promote the course completion exam.
In the psychological profile of a person who wants to be a mediator, the following features should be found:
- to be a good acquaintance of judicial psychology and non-verbal language, in order to be a good negotiator;
- to be a good valuer and financial analyst.
with the two possibilities: judicial administrator and liquidator:
- specialization in law or economics;
- experience in the legal or economic field for at least three years from the date of obtaining the higher education diploma;
- promotion of the admission exam in the profession of insolvency practitioner;
- at the beginning of the exercise of the profession, the insolvent practitioner performs a two-year training course, during which he/she is a trainee insolvency practitioner;
- after the trainee ship, the trainee insolvency practitioner will hold the final examination.
- promotion of the admission exam in the profession, organized for persons who have practiced legal specialty for three years.
With five years working experience there are other opportunities, for example:
- are exempted from the examination and internship for the profession of insolvent practitioner:
*** persons who have served for 10 years as lawyer, magistrate or notary public.five-year legal practitioners are exempt from traineeship for notaries, but they must enroll in the thematic competition and pass the exam;
- do not take an entrance examination in the profession of lawyer, do not do an internship, acquire the status of a lawyer, without having passed the final examination, provided that the final examination is passed in the profession in which they come from - persons who have served as judge, prosecutor, , legal adviser for five years;
- the attorney who has exercised at least one mandate of parliamentarian, mayor, deputy mayor, chairman of the county council or deputy chairman of the county council acquires on request the status of a lawyer;
- takes an entrance examination in the profession, does not do the internship and becomes a full-time lawyer the person holding the title of doctor in law.
Other alternatives in other areas may also be posts requiring legal training:
Teaching career: Master and PhD,;
Trainers: Graduate trainers at different levels at national and university level;
Policemen, especially on: Criminal Investigation Service, Forensic Service, Fraud Investigation Service;
Legal advice in their own consulting companies or their collaborators;
Consultancy in their own companies or collaborators of companies with this object of activity for the elaboration and implementation of projects with European funding;
Collaborators of some banks, assessors;
Judicial or forensic experts;
Specialized personal expert assimilated to the judge or prosecutor in the Department for Continuous Vocational Training, the National Institute of Magistracy.
Profile magazines edited by UAO
e-learning Platform (remote access of the courses)

For registration in the Agora University Moodle Platform, please complete the registration form, Here
Net References on Computer Crime (CI)
1. Fighting Service of CI:
2. Computer crimes:
3. Types of computer fraud:
4. CI in the eyes of the European Commission:
5. Article about CI:
6. Internet Laws
7. Juridical Library: